Blog based on Jekyll and Minima theme
Home Automation - Espressif ESP8266 and ESP32 (Part II)
Home Automation - Introduction (Part I)
Cheap Surveillance cameras - Normal webcam, RPI and NAS
Arduino Hard Way
Radio communication 433MHz with ATtiny85
Robotic Arm - 3D Printed
Phone screen replacement - Samsung A5 2017
Bora Watch v3 - Digital homemade wrist watch
Testing RTC - DS3231
First 3D printer - Anet a8
Bora Watch v2 - Digital homemade wrist watch
Mobile robots in a Box!
Multiplexing Outputs with 74HC595 and atmega
Atmega328 with RTC and Sleep mode
Bora Watch - A simple and geek homemade watch
Arduino To Breadboard: Atmega328 / Atmega168 w/o oscillator (Internal 8MHz)
Timer 555
Simple Camera Trigger - v4
Arduino To Breadboard: Atmega328p
Simple Camera Trigger - v3
Simple Camera Trigger - v2
Simple Camera Trigger - v1
Smart Scanner
Borarm. First Robotic Arm. Part II
Borarm. First Robotic Arm. Part I
Cross compile Qt5 for Rpi3 on Linux (Ubuntu)
IoT Automatic Plant Watering - v2
IoT Automatic Plant Watering - v1
Arcade game with TM4C123G Launch Pad